Barbara Harrison

Drawing -original pic 2Barbara Harrison

Certified Reiki Master Teacher

Barbara’s experience in the psychic world began when she was a child. Like most gifted paranormal children, she wasn’t taken seriously. Her family would say things such as, “Barbara, there is nothing out there, we don’t hear or see any of those things. You’re just imagining.” Deep down inside she knew that there was really another side of this world that most people couldn’t, or wouldn’t, see.

Barbara went on to study art and graphics at college and raised two children but always was aware that she had intuition and psychic ability. She is an accomplished artist and incorporates fairies and botanical illustrations into her artwork. Barbara is a painter and her paintings are filled with whimsy and mirth. While going through major changes in her life about ten years ago, she began searching for a teacher and mentor to assist her in learning about her experience with Spirit and how to communicate with those who had made their transition to the other side.

Barbara met Shiri Hughes seven years ago and found that her psychic abilities had not waned. She quickly learned to control her focus, and over the years she has strengthened her vision with the help of a number of our areas top psychics and mediums, including five years studying with Victoria Ackerman. She has also learned a great deal from Maxine Best, Marie Rowe and Shanna Spalding St. Clair. And of course, Barbara has been seeing and speaking with fairies as long as she can remember!

Barbara is also a certified Reiki Master Teacher. She helps others to heal and also teaches individuals who are inclined to learn the healing art themselves and pass the healing on.

With this wealth of knowledge, Barbara comes to The Spirit University to share her psychic talents via mediumship readings and Reiki. Barbara has participated in several “Reiki share” events organized by Victoria Ackerman, plus has taught and read at the Psychic Fairs. She believes that we are now living in a world of great change, and it is the time to connect with one another. With that in mind, she brings spiritual awakening to all that want it, with fun and joy in the sharing of knowledge.